I, as you likely are, are feeling numb and shocked.
The thought that we chose the craven, hateful convicted criminal over the masterful, honest, and inspiring prosecutor tells us all who we really are.
It feels like being in, what you thought was an honest and genuine relationship (friend or otherwise), and finding out much later that so much of what you were told was not true.
Sharon McMahon is a teacher of civics who is knowledgeable about the state of affairs and listening to the full interview (above) with Katie Couric is recommended.
So many of us are feeling, ‘what now?’ ‘what can I do?
I know you’re busy, so here is a clip of a message we all need to hear.
The clip tells you exactly what to do. You don’t go it alone. There is power in numbers. Some great guidance on how to take that sadness and disappointment and channel it into making a difference.