Wow, I didn't know about the Sackler family. I had a friend who was addicted to opioids. She's doing great now, but it's crazy to see someone enmeshed in that relationship with drugs, especially as an adult. When I think of drug problems, I think of high school. I don't think of adults. It's terrible. Thanks for making me aware of this story 👍

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When I think of drug problems I think of Nancy Reagan and just say no. I also think of how American jails are full of non violent drug offenders. The number of kids who have a parent in jail or worse....

The hypocrisy of all of that horror when you look at the legalized drug trade that some like the Sackler's were able to profit from is a uniquely American horror story. I'm glad your friend was able to recover. I wish more were able to have done that but when you learn about how many lives were lost or destroyed it's hard to stomach.

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The Sackler scandal was a long time coming, but I noticed the art galleries, including many of the most prestigious, removing their names...

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And well they should The gall of not only profiting from the destruction of lives but thinking you are above reproach enough to put your name on buildings tells you just how disconnected from their actions that family were. They deserve to be remembered as terrible humans.

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What an amazing legacy she created with her work to bring all this to the surface. I've interpreted for SO many Deaf who fell into these addictions. Always broke my heart, especially because I felt there was nothing I could do (as a professional interpreter-keep mouth shut). I'm grateful for Nan Goldin and plan to watch this documentary this weekend. Thank you, Sean! As always, you are thoughtful and connected.

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