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I have long been concerned with the intense negative influence from social media. My heart breaks every time my kids/grandkids are here and all five of them on are their phones through the entire morning - rather than talking to each other. My daughter's middle and youngest son are both suffering with depression, and social issues. Yet, use of their phones and video games continue to be a huge influence in their lives. I get a visit from each grandson for 2 weeks in the summer. My daughter tells me not to take away their phones - cause they need them. I nod my head, mumble something, and ignore her. The truly odd thing is each of them know my rules: 1) you come to the farm and you get one hour of phone time a day; 2) you spend time outside working on the farm, helping garden, or just playing, 3) you help cook the meals and clean up. So guess what? I never have to remind them - they follow these rules on their own. I have a sense it may secretly be a relief to them. I had not heard of this organization, MAMA. Excellent work! Thank you for putting this in writing and sharing these videos.

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