What a lovely video filled with great experiences and inspiration. Certainly, a service to those considering fostering. I had a neighbor in Utah who, as a single man, fostered only boys. He took in the most difficult cases, all ages, and provided them with stability they had never known. Through those years he fostered over 130 boys. Many of them became his "children," some through adoption, most through love. He considers their children his grandchildren. I admire you for accepting children into your home and your heart. Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks for the kind words Allyne. I am amazed that you knew someone who fostered 130 kids. That is truly inspirational! It’s sad to think that so many kids needed placements in that locale, but that speaks to the dire need nationwide for more foster parents.

In my rush to post this blog, I forgot I should attach a transcript for people that don’t want to sit through a video. Next time! ❤️🙏🏾🌈

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